Genesis Civitico's 1st Anniversary🎉!!!

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We want to recognize our employees for their hard work and being part of the Tropical Foods family. We invite you to celebrate their anniversaries along with us! Above all, it’s the chance to meet our team in a more personal level.

Are you ready? Lets celebrate our International Customer Service, Genesis Civitico, 1st Anniversary.

• Where were you born? In the beautiful city of Valencia, Venezuela! / Naci en la hermosa cuidad de Valencia, Venezuela!

• If you were not in your job position what would you do? I would most likely be in the broadcast journalism field, and acting! / Si no estuviese haciendo mi posicion, estaria en el mundo de la locucion y actuacion.

• What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? I love coffee ice cream! / Me encanta el helado de café.

• Past Event or present, who would you like to have dinner with and why? So hard to pick one, so I will pick two! Haha. I would have a dinner with my dad to tell him many things I did not get to tell him, and with Jesus Christ because he’s awesome! / Que dificil escojer uno, entonces escojere dos! Jajaja. Las dos personas con cual tendria una cena son con mi papa y con Jesus. Mi papa para poder decirle muchas cosas que no pude decirle y con Jesus porque el es grandioso!

• What is your dream vacation? Roadtrip through all of Europe! / Viajar por toda Europa en carro!

• If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose? My superpower would be to heal! It would be amazing to help people and animals / El superpoder que me gustaria tener seria el de sanar! Seria lo maximo poder ayudar a personas y animales que lo necesitan.

• What’s your favorite smell in the entire world? Olivia, my daughter’s smell when she wakes up! / Mi olor preferido en todo el mundo es el olor de Olivia (mi hija) cuando se despierta.

• What’s something not many people know about you? I am an absolute animal lover! I was vegetarian for 8 years! Due to health reasons, I started eating chicken and fish 3 years ago. / que soy amante de los animales! Fui vegetariana por 8 anos! Por razones de salud, empece a comer pollo y pescado hace 3 anos.

• What are tree things still left on your bucket list? Own an organization to help animals, live in Europe, and get married 😊 / Tres cosas en mi lista de deseos son: Tener una organizacion para ayudar animales, algun dia vivir en Europa, y casarme.

• What kind of impact do you believe you have on people? I believe I have a positive impact on people because I am always making people smile and laugh, they could be having the worse day but I will find a way to make them smile / Creo que el impacto que tengo en las personas es positivo. Siempre hago que las personas se rian! Podran tener el peor dia pero siempre encuentro una manera de hacerlos sonreir.

• What do you enjoy the most about your job? I really enjoy learning different cultures as well as learning, I have learned tremendously in this position! / Lo que mas me gusta de mi trabajo es que aprendo de muchas culturas diferentes y el aprendizaje que esta posicion me ha dado!



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